sábado, 29 de novembro de 2008

Endangered animals

Extinction is a natural process. Depending on it’s extinction, the species are substituted by others more adjusted for a determined environment. Sooner or later, all the species are going to extinct one day. It’s even possible that one day humans will be extinct.
Plants and animals are developing (it means they are modifying gradually) for new species. The continuation of this process sometimes means the extinction of some species. A millions years ago, our world was habitated by very different species.
Of these species, the most known were the dinosaurs.
They were on the Earth tens millions years ago, but, eventually, they were extinct and were substituted by different species, including birds and mammals.
During the last five thousand years the human kind became more and more destructive. They pursued some species even to the extinction and, in present, they are destroying habitats.
Animals and plants are extinct in almost all the parts of the world and they exist species close to extinction practically all over the world.
Due to the density and quick growth of the human population, many species of great mammals are being threatened, like elephants, lions, rhinoceroses and the tigers.
The only solution is making more parks and reserves.
By: Stephanie Sales

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