domingo, 30 de novembro de 2008

Air Pollution

"Two million people a year killed by air pollution, says WHO"

According to a new study of the WHO (World Health Organization), air pollution causes roughly 2 milion premature deaths each year.

Air pollution is of the most known forms of pollution, since the problems that are caused by it are very grave and actual, such as respiratory diseases.
Air pollution comes in many types, like, for instance, smog, which results from the mixture of smoke and sulfur dioxide; acid rain, which comes from the reaction of primary air pollutants, primarily sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides; temperature inversions and soil contamination.

The sources of this pollution are:

- Power plants, manufacturing facilities or municipal waste incinerators;

- Motor vehicles;

- Marine vessels;

- Burning wood;

- Waste deposition in landfills, which generate Methane, a non-toxic but flammable gas.

It is to our best interests that we protect our community from these sources.

Leonardo Campos

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