A tornado is a violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground.
Tornadoes are mesugered by the Fujita scale, and the can go from an F0 tornado to an F5 tornado.
An F0 tornado will likely damage tress but they dont have to the power to destroy substantial structure, an F5 however, is capable of ripping of buildings of their foundations.
Tornadoes are not very common in portugal, but in USA for example, they occur very often, here are some safety tips concerning tornadoes:
-Before it occurs make sure everyone knows where to go in case a tornado threatens, prepare a disaster supplies kit for your home and car than includes a first aid kit, canned food and a can opener, bottled water, battery-operated radio, flashlight, protective clothing and written instructions on how to turn off electricity, gas, and water.
-During the tornado is very important to be in a place without windows so go to the basement, if you don't have a basement go to an interior room without windows on the lowest floor such as a bathroom or closet. Stay away from fallen power lines and stay out of damaged areas.
-After a tornado stay indoors until it is safe to come out. Check for injured or trapped people, without putting yourself in danger.
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